Saturday, June 29, 2024

June, Month of Blogging Friends, Family Vacation and My 75th Birthday

The first part of June, Colleen and I traveled to see our good Blogging Friend, Darnell, who you all know and love.  Colleen thought since I was having a milestone birthday later in June that we should go somewhere fun.  And since all 3 of us will be turning 75 on our next birthday, we went to see Darnell.  The Mister was on a motorcycle trip, so it was perfect timing.  We had fun playing, laughing (as you can imagine) and relaxing in her backyard.  We even got to see the infamous "Playhouse and Hammy" and it is so cute.


Lin & Col

Darnell and Col

And then 5 days after getting home from Darnell's, we had a planned Family trip to Lake Chelan, in Eastern Washington.  We stayed in Manson.  The older girls were invited also.  Kailey and her boyfriend, P-nut and Avery came but we are missing Maddie.
View from our balcony.

The kids have to get a new stuffy everywhere they go and of course some ice cream.
Connor, Justin, Anna

We went to breakfast at Blueberry Hills.  This is a cinnamon roll that we split between all of us and still had some left over.  Brad thought we needed this before breakfast.

Blueberry Hills Restaurant

A surprise Graduation Party for Avery 

Avery, Kailey, Justin, Connor and Anna

Grandma and Justin

Avery and Kailey out tubing.  Kailey fell off and eventually Avery did too.  The water is fed by snow melt so is very cold.  It was about 57 degrees.  The first weekend was only in the low 60's but finally warmed up to the 70's.  Still cool for Chelan.
We rented a Pontoon boat.  Brad and Rhonda's son, Shawn

Justin.  And of course, it wouldn't be a vacation without one of the triplets or more is sick.
Justin was sick, throwing up a few days before we left, then Anna came down with it the next night and then Ramie was feeling puny the first couple of days.  Brad and Connor were fine.
However, Justin kept running a slight fever and so we don't know if he had a sinus infection or allergies, but they took him into the ER.  He would be fine on and off.  While waiting he said he felt fine and so they left not seeing the doctor also because the pharmacy was closed so they couldn't get a prescription anyway.  He seems to be fine now.  And now they are off on another vacation to Black Butte with Ramie's sister's family.
On the boat trip, some of the brave ones, jumped into the freezing water and of course our little dare devil was one of them.  Here she is jumping.
Avery, Dad and Anna

Nona, Connor and Grandma

Cousins, Brad and Shawn

All of the kids went for a hike one morning.  Rhonda and I declined.  We walked into Manson and took a look around.

Rhonda & Shawn

Avery, Kailey and P-nut


Anna trying to warm up after her plunge.

Anna, Connor, Justin, Nona and Grandma

The kids playing on the grass while Brad, Ramie and Shawn were Wine Tasting

Connor and Mom take a walk into Manson.
So, our little dare devil Anna was the first one to go on a jet ski with dad.  The boys were a little hesitant and need coaxing. HaHa....  Ramie told them to just get on and they could decide if they wanted to go for a ride or not and they could control the speed.  They both finally agreed to go for a ride and alternated between fast and slow.   Of course, Anna and dad were jumping waves.  
Justin and Mom

Connor and Mom


P-nut and Kailey

Another day we spent the day playing Put-put golf
Connor taking his turn.

Grandma and Anna wait our turn.

Justin taking a shot

Dad helping Connor get across the strip.


After the golf game, Brad, Avery, Kaily and me.

June 24th, My 75th Birthday
My older son, Kelly and his wife flew up here from AZ to surprise me on the weekend before my birthday.  It's been a while since I have had both of my boys with me on my birthday.  I had such a wonderful birthday.  So blessed.

Out for Dinner on Friday Night
Petrina, Kelly and me

Ramie, Me, Brad
Justin, Connor & Anna

Rhonda and I

Petrina, Kelly, me, Rhonda, Brad, Ramie, Anna, Connor and Justin

Saturday - Portland Spirit, lunch cruise, perfect weather and great food.
Petrina & Kelly

Connor, Anna, Justin and Grandma

All of us before the cruise.
The weekend could not have been any better.  Nothing like family to celebrate with....

Thanks for stopping by.


Bonnie said...

Thanks for sharing your birthday celebration, Linda! It looks like a wonderful time with friends and family! I'm having the same milestone birthday this year but I won't be able to match your celebration!

Marcia Hill said...

What an awesome post Lin! Sounds like quite the month and I'm so happy you had such a wonderful birthday celebration! Can't believe how much the triplets have just doesn't seem that long ago that they were babies!! I guess we all know how that goes though!! Thanks for sharing your wonderful month of June...definitely days to remember!! Hugs. :0)

Vikki H said...

Happy belated birthday, Linda! I loved reading your post today! Your celebrations were fantastic with crafty friends, a lake, and lots of family. So glad to see how big the triplets and Avery are now also. Have a wonderful summer.

Lisa Elton said...

What a wonderful way to celebrate! Thanks for sharing with us and a happy 75th to you, Linda!

Birgit said...

What a fun filled post! Looks like the month of June was a great celebration of your milestone birthday. Happy belated birthday to you!!! It's so fun seeing how much those littles have grown. You have a beautiful family.

Nancy said...

Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures with all of us. It is so much fun watching the triplets grow! Looks like a great Birthday getaway! You are so very lucky!

Brenda in IN said...

So much to see and such wonderful pictures! What a terrific birthday you had with family and friends. The triplets are so much fun at this age and they have gotten so big. I love the family pictures but the bench that looks like a Sundae is so adorable. I also love that tiny graduation hat. That is a hoot! Thanks, Linda, for sharing your family with us and the great pictures at Darnell's.

Barbara said...

What wonderful memories you made and have now recorded for us all to see and enjoy. Looks like a lot of family fun and so glad you have a lot of pictures. Make a scrapbook of them.

Nancy Penir said...

Hi Lin! What a memorable birthday! The pictures are wonderful. Thank you for sharing with us. Your beautiful family bright so many smiles. Look how the trips have grown! You are truly blessed!

Loll said...

You are so blessed Lin!! Two wonderful celebrations with your family, nothing could be more special. Thanks so much for sharing this amazing photos. Love, Loll

Darnell said...

Me, first?! I am honored, my friend! You have written and shared such a wonderful recap of our time together and your time at the lake and then the surprise visit from Kelly and Petrina was the icing on your birthday cake!

My "oh, cool" moments were that cinnamon roll (not sure I would have shared!), your dare-devil Anna, stunning background scenery, Brad photo-bombing, and all the great family-together photos! Many of them look like 2024 Christmas card photos!

I hope Justin got better. So far your visit has been the highlight of my 75th. Came down with shingles Saturday so all celebrations with family and friends have had to be postponed. And it's literally hotter than he**! So thank you for letting me celebrate vicariously with you and all your family, especially those incredible trippies! Love, Darnell

JoAnn said...

Thanks for sharing your fun birthday photos and family time with us. So glad you had a great month with family. I enjoyed reading about it and seeing the photos. You are blessed. Hugs, JoAnn

JoAnn said...

I forgot to mention that you, Colleen and Darnell must have had a great time together. I would have loved to been there too.

Trina P. said...

Sorry it took me so long to check out thís post!… and so glad I did!
What a fabulous way to celebrate all your upcoming 75th birthday together. And lucky you got to experience the Playhouse and see Hammy again.

You sure had a busy month! Such a cool birthday surprise, having both your sons there! And WOW to the “growing-up-too-fast” triplets…. love Anna’s dare devil spirit, showing up on her bros and all! Thanks for sharing your photos…. looked all incredible, memorable times. Happy 75th birthday once again!

Greta said...

Hi Linda--Finally checking out your post and oh how fun! Can just imagine the fun you 3 had at Darnell's! I didn't know you were all the same age and I'm not far behind. What a wonderful time with family! Really enjoyed seeing the pictures. Portland Spirit looks like something we should put on our to-do list.