Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Make It Monday #295 Z-Fold Card with Ashley

The first card I can post that I made at my friend's house.  I'm down in Portland for 9 days for SAF and just visiting and creating with my BFF.   This is the card I made for Ashley's MIM
I came down on Sunday afternoon to beat the Solar Eclipse traffic.  Ran into most of the traffic in Washington.  Got here about 7:40 pm.  We didn't create that night just visited and caught up.
And of course, we had to view the eclipse on Monday morning.  We drove about 20 minutes away and saw 100% of it but for only about 30-40 seconds.  And it was so awesome.  
So we got started crafting late and ran into problems with computers and getting me set up so we could both post without signing in or out.  So needless to say we are having to sign in and out, so if you get a comment that doesn't sound like one or the other of us chances are we didn't sign ourselves out.  Lol....

Ashley's cute card

PTI's Life is Beautiful, Beautiflul Butterfies, Quilted Summer, Clearly Besotted Thinking of You

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Lin, your butterfly Z-fold is beautiful! Pretty colors, and sweet sentiment!

  2. Hi Linda : ) Your cards is so pretty! Butterflies are the PERFECT! Z-fold focal point : )


  3. Just lovely! Your collection of butterflies on your z fold card are simply fabulous!

  4. Well, goodness, this will certainly be one of your most memorable get-togethers with this kind of start! I'm so glad you made it down to Col's okay, Lin, and that you even got to see the eclipse, however briefly! You z fold card is so incredibly pretty and perfect for summer! Love the colors and patterns!! Hugs, Darnell

  5. I love this with the butterflies Lin! The patterns and colors you used are so perfect. So glad you made it safely to Colleen's. Have fun! See you at SAF!

  6. The butterflies are such a lovely idea. Awesome card!

  7. FABULOUS card my friend!! Your butterflies are SOOO pretty and this is a card that will definitely bring a smile to someone's face! Have a wonderful time visiting with Colleen and stamping together!! :0)

  8. What pretty colorful butterflies! So much fun to see what everyone is using for this type of card.

  9. Wow! The butterflies are gorgeous on your card! Thanks for joining me this week.

  10. This is SO pretty, Linda. I love the sweet butterflies. I saw it over on the PTI challenge blog and wanted to stop by to say hello. I also have a FUN challenge blog with AWESOME prizes, and I would like to invite you to come by and play along with us.
    Have a great week!
    Karen Letchworth

  11. Oh my gosh ... that card is adorable, Linda!! LOVE the design. Have a great time with your BFF. I bet Colleen is so happy to have you there. xx

  12. Wow! I am going to case your card completely! It's gorgeous~


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