Thursday, August 24, 2017

Color Throwdown #457 & Addicted to Stamps and More #256 Anything Goes

Wow, we didn't get a lot of card making done today.  First of all we went for our morning walk and then both of us had a massage, which felt great.  My shoulders and lower back have been giving me some trouble.  I think from lifting my dad up.  Then we decided to sit in the sun for about an hour and that felt really good too.
After that we came into the craft room to play and this is the card I made  for Color Throwdown 

PTI's Fresh Bouquet & Keep it Simple Get Well

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Soft, gentle and just beautiful. Lovely card. Thanks for joining us at ATSM

  2. What a pretty card Lin! Sunbathing, massages, going on long walks.... it all sounds wonderful to me! Have fun this weekend!

  3. A beautiful card Lin and I love those colors together! And sunbathing and massages sound like a great way to spend the day to me too...glad you're enjoying your time together!! :0)

  4. Beautiful one layer design! Love the pretty florals. Thanks for joining us for this week's Color Throwdown!

  5. Sounds like a lovely day, Linda! Your card is so delicate and soft. Great way to use the challenge colours. xx

  6. That sounds like a great day! And your card turned out to be so pretty! Thank you for playing along with us at the Color Throwdown!


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