Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Altenew Academy, Stunningly Simple Watercolor Day 4 No line watercoloring.

Ok, so I need a lot more practice with this technique.  I have trouble making nice crisp lines and not going outside the lines and then being patient and letting one petal dry before trying to paint the next one.  I did do every other one but still had a few issues.
I wasn't able to play yesterday but I'm getting caught up today.


  1. Pretty coloring Lin...I didn't have as many green leaves...I thought those were petals of the!

  2. This is beautiful! I'm not good at waiting for things to dry either :)

  3. I know what you're saying, as I struggled in the same way. Your flowers look great though and it looks like you knew exactly what you were doing. Love it!!

  4. I think this turned out beautiful Lin! Love your colors too! I hear you about waiting for things to dry too...I'm waaaay too impatient and usually use my heat tool and then end up warping the whole thing...grrrrrr!! I've watched day 4, but have not come up with a stamp I want to try this with yet...decisions, decisions!! :0)


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