Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Altenew Academy Stunningly Simple Watercoloring Day 5 Watercoloring Solid Image Stamps

Well caught up again, but will not be able to watch tomorrow's video until the afternoon.
Not sure I got this technique down but here it is.  I like the orange one but it doesn't look watercolored.  The other two have more of that watercolored look.

Used Distress Inks:
PTI's Beautiful Butterfly


  1. I think they look gorgeous Linda! I didn't think to do butterflies, so thank you for the inspiration :)

  2. Linda, what a great choice of stamps for this technique! I never thought of using the butterflies but they look great! Your card is so sweet!

  3. You're way ahead of me now Lin! These turned out beautiful too...personally I think anything with a butterfly on it looks great! Love what a CAS look this card has to it...great job!! :0)

  4. Beautiful card your gorgeous trio of water colored butterflies.


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