Monday, July 11, 2022

Florida Vacation with the Triplet Family

Just got back from a 12-day trip to Florida, to Ramie's hometown of St. Petersburg.  
Her family has a home on the Gulf of Mexico. Her grandad passed about 10 years ago, but still wanted the family to use it. The home was built in the 60's and is a trip into the past.  It still has the wallpaper, turquoise stove and oven, purple bathrooms and kids rooms still decorated with their stuff.  You can see bits and pieces in the pictures.  Lol

Tyler (boyfriend) and Avery

Ramie's sister and family

Justin and Mom

Connor & Anna
St. Pete Beach
Storm is brewing

Wickie Wachee wading pool.
This is one of the many Spring Water Parks they have where the water is a nice 72 degrees instead of like bath water in the ocean.  I loved it.  So, refreshing.  I didn't get any pictures of the spring itself.

Anna was the little water baby.  

Little miss daredevil and the boys coming down the slide normally.

Anna, Connor and Grandma

We went to see the Little Mermaid show at Wickie Wachee, with real mermaids and of course Anna saw this Mermaid dress and had to have it.  Justin picked a shark and Connor an alligator.
On a Dolphin crusie.  If you look closely, you will see a dolphin behind the wake on the other boat.

Brad & Connor 

Connor, Anna & Justin
Some nice homes along the shore

Ramie bought a bead kit for the kids to make bracelets and necklaces.  Avery is helping out.

Anna & Dad fishing.  She actually caught one

Brad caught a small baby shark.  He released it back to the ocean but was so excited to catch it.

Fourth of July 
Justin shows off his gems and tatoo.  Auntie Stegin got the decorations for the 4th.

Connor playing with water guns.

A visit to the Aquarium

Fort Desoto Beach, Justin, Grandma, Dad

Brad and I

Justin & Connor

Justin, Anna & Connor.  On the last leg of their trip at Sea Tac coming home to Portland.

Visiting with blogging friends is so much fun.  
You may recognize, Nancy Kearn Leppek,
She took me to this cute cafe, called 2D cafe in downtown St. Pete.  

I know this was a very long post, but hope you enjoyed pictures from our trip.
Felt so good to be back in the PNW where it is cooler in the morning and evening.  Or course today it is supposed to get to 97.  UGH.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Amazing pictures of all the adventures, Lin! More wonderful memories made with the triplets!!

  2. Oh, I LOVED it, Lin! What a great time making wonderful memories together!

  3. The trip and trips look (s) wonderful, Lin! Love seeing all of you so happy! Blessings!

  4. Loved reliving your memories. Looks like a great time was had by all. I can't believe you came back to HOT temps. Funny not funny! The triplets are so cute! Thanks for sharing a bit of time with me as it's always a pleasure to see you! <3

  5. Fabulous photos of the family in Florida. Looks like you had great weather for the most part. Definitely could tell you were home at the airport with the kids in rain gear. :) Put your feet up now and relax .... ahhhhh! xx

  6. Meant to say how nice it was for you to get to meet Nancy in person. She is so sweet! xx

  7. Gosh...what a fun family vacation to Florida, Lin. TFS all the fun and adorable family photos of all your different outings. How awesome to meet Nancy Leppeck too. Can you believe it was a high in the shade of 98 today at our home up the river from Coos Bay, OR...Ugh.. We like the 70's much better. Again...TFS all the photos and memories of your family trip:-) Love and Hugs...Nancy

  8. What a fun post! Looks like you had an amazing time away with the family. So fun that you got to meet up with another fellow blogger too. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Looks like you had a great time in Florida with lots of water fun! Darling pics of the triplets, so cute! And, how awesome that you were able to meet up with Nancy! Thanks for sharing all the wonderful photos!

  10. Glad you got to come to Florida and had a wonderful time and adventures with the family. Looks like everyone had a good time. Glad you got to meet up with Nancy, she is a sweet lady. The triplets are really growing and looks like they had fun also. Thanks so much for sharing the photos.

  11. Looks like it was a wonderful trip and I loved seeing every.single.picture!! Still blows me away to see how big the triplets have grown...weren't they just turning one last week??!! And please don't send any of that 97 degree temps our way...we've had our share of 90 degree days here in Michigan this Summer and I don't much like it!! Today is 76 and breezy and I'm loving it, but the heat is supposed to build back in this weekend...yuck!! Hugs and thanks for sharing all the photos!! :0)

  12. All the water and kids playing looks like a perfect combo for fun! So glad you shared your vacation time!

  13. Looks like you had a great vacation, Linda! I've always enjoyed pictures of the kids, but different now that I met them & can imagine the voices! Love the picture of you & your son! My grandma lived in St Pete for many years, but I only visited once. It was Christmas & it was still hot & humid to me--haha! Thankfully only 2 terrible days in a row for us here & a nice breeze in the shade. Glad you're home safe & sound!

  14. Thank you Linda : ) It is always so much fun to see your beautiful family on their adventures!! It looks like a good time was had by all!!

    BIG (((Hugs))) to Nancy too!! what a blessing for you both to get to meet.


  15. Thank you for sharing this amazing photo diary of your fun trip with the Trips (hey, trip with the Trips!) to Florida. It really captures the joy and wonderful experiences you had! Lots of memories! My favorite is the kids on the tarmac by the plane ... looks like it is their own chartered flight, lol! And, of course, I love that you got to spend some time with Nanc'! Hugs, Darnell


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