Thursday, April 21, 2022

Color Hues #39

This used to be my favorite color combination several years ago.
So, I just had to enter a card for 
 for Color Hues

I used Pinkfresh's Daisy Wreath Stencil Set with Gina K inks.
Gina K's Festive Stencil & PPP jewel embellishments.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. It's a gorgeous wreath, and a beautiful card! The stenciling is so soft and lovely. Thanks for joining us at Color Hues!

  2. That is a lovely color combo and your wreath is beautiful. I have looked and looked for that sentiment from Papertrey. Do you know what the name of that set is. I'm going to try on ebay. Thank you.

  3. I love the Daisy stencil wreath too of my favorites and it looks fabulous in the purples and greens! I really like your soft stenciling in the background too! Lovely, lovely card my friend!! Hugs. :0)

  4. You used one of my favorite PFS stencils, Linda! The background looks fabulous too! Always a pleasure to see you in the gallery at Color Hues, hope all is well with you!

  5. This is so fresh and pretty, Linda!

  6. Absolutely breathtaking! So beautiful and those colors are just perfect.

  7. Beautiful, Linda. Fabulous stencilling work. This is one of my favourite colour combos for florals.

  8. Linda that is such a beautiful card and your stenciling is lovely! It really is a wonderful colour palette. Thank you so much for sharing with us at the Color Hues!

  9. Gorgeous card Lin!! LOVE this colour combo too. And I love that layered wreath stencil. xx


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