Monday, December 6, 2021

Pictures of New Craft Room & Triplets

Wow, it's been a long time since I have posted to my blog.  You might have seen that I have been busy packing, unpacking and organizing in our new home.  My sister and I have finally bought a new home, with 2 living spaces and 4 bedrooms which gives us our own space when one is reading, or one is watching TV.  So nice to have our own space. 
Also, still within 15 minutes from the triplets and Colleen.
  We finally are all settled and have our Christmas decorations up.  I'm not very good at taking pictures of the Christmas decorations.
Nice to be back in my Craft room.

Craft Room 
So nice to have 2 more DVD bookcases to put stamps set in.  Ramie found them for me on Offer Up.

Christmas Decorations with our little tree.  As we get older the tree gets smaller.

Justin & Anna
The Triplets eating Thanksgiving Dinner at Hood River this year.
We had an early Thanksgiving with them, and Shawn came down.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I can't believe how much the kids have grown since you last posted pictures! They aren't babies anymore are they! Love that you are all decorated for Christmas and you home looks really nice, especially the craft room! I think you'll have lots of fun in there! Hope to see more of you here now that you're settled.

  2. What a wonderful craft space you have and your home is beautiful too. Your grand littles are getting so big. They're just as cute as ever!!

  3. What a wonderful craft space awesome to have all the coordinating storage right at your fingertips!! And your Christmas decorations are lovely...had to chuckle at the smaller tree the older you get! Haha!! And oh my, the triplets really have grown!! How is that even possible??!! Weren't they just babies a week ago?? Thanks so much for posting all the photos...loved seeing it all!! Hugs. :0)

  4. Your craft room is awesome and a wonderful place to be creative. Your home is beautiful and the Christmas decorations look so festive. The triplets are so big! What a handful they must be! I'm glad you are still close to them and Colleen. Thanks for sharing these great pictures.

  5. Thank you Lin for sharing the photos of your beautiful new stamp room and home that you share with your sister...and still close to Colleen. Love the photos of your son. DIL and the growing triplets:-) Merry Christmas and Happy Healthy New Year, my friend. Hugs...Nancy

  6. My goodness the triplets are growing quickly! I love your new craft room - what wonderful organizational units! I'm green with envy! Enjoy your new house with your sister - it sounds perfect with each of you having your own space.

  7. Wow, the triplets are growing and look so cute. Glad you shared photos of them. I am very envious of your craft room and also all your lovely decorations. Good job. Wishing you a Blessed Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

  8. I must stop by and see all this in person, your decorations look fabulous and makes the house so festive.

  9. So happy for you that the move is over and you've settled in. What a fabulous crafting space!! And your house is so pretty with all the Christmas decorations. Wonderful to see the triplets ... they are getting so big!! xx

  10. I am SO envious of your beautifully set up and CLEAN crafting room Linda - every day I say I'm going to clean mine up and I get no where! Your home is gorgeous - we have a small 4 foot tree now and I only use about 1/4 of the ornaments I used to put on it! Looks like a lovely Thanksgiving for you with the triplets!

  11. Thank you for this wonderful post to update us on your new home and the triples, Lin. When I scrolled down to the kids, I was shocked at how grown-up they are! I guess it's been a while since I saw photos of them. I'll bet their personalities are completely out and amazing! Speaking of amazing, I love your craft room! Love the corner desk, love the label organization, love the light. And I love your new home. It looks brand new and I'm so happy for both of you to have found a place where you can be together, but separate. And, wow, you did a fantastic job with the photos of all your beautiful decorations! Holiday Hugs, Darnell p.s. Meant to say, thank you for the festive snowman Christmas card!

  12. YAY! Congratulations on your new home! btw… your Christmas card may have been sent to your old address.

    WOW! What an awesome craft space! Great organization. I can only dream

    And the triplets! They’ve grown so much! Looked like a wonderful Thanksgiving get together.

    Have a merry Christmas!

  13. I can only imagine how happy you 2 are in your new home with all that space! I want your craft room--haha! The kids are sure grown up & so great you're still close. Glad my card was forwarded to you & thank you so much for the beautiful one you sent to me! I'm thinking that's a stencil(s) & love it! Merry Christmas, Linda!

  14. Oh, how awesome for you and your sister to have a wonderful new place! It is very lovely! And, the craft room is so wonderful! I hope to redo my craft/office room next year with my son and hubby's help. It is in great need of redesign. I've totally outgrown it. And, it would help to purge, too, lol! The grandkids are adorable, how fun Christmas will be, I'm sure! Take care and Merry Christmas, hugs!!


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