Sunday, September 29, 2019

Welcome back to my Blog - Move update and Triplet Pictures

After a long and stressful summer we are finally settled in Portland and I am ready to start crafting again.  We sold our house and had to be out by August 28th.  And up to a week before that time we had no place to go except to stay with Brad & Ramie's.  Then we got a call that the house we wanted to rent had come down to us and we actually qualified for it.  There were at least 3 others that were ahead of us. So here we are.
 I really have missed crafting.  Colleen and I have crafted twice (once in my room and once in her's)  She has been over many times as she is only about 10 minutes away from my house and also took us driving around to show us around. 
Next Saturday, Col and I leave for Indianapolis to meet Brenda of Inspired to Stamp for a Craft Retreat.  Darnell, Greta, Maria, Kara and Brenda's sister 'n law will be also attending.  So a fun week to look forward to and hope to get my mojo up and running.
Now for the real reason for moving down to Oregon is for these 3 sweet little babies.  We are less than 5 minutes away from them.  That is so nice.  Some  of these pictures may be duplicates but I didn't really know where I left off.
So thought I would start off with there one year birthday photo shoot
These little people (not really babies anymore) are walking all over the place and love to get chased by one another and the sound of their laughter is so beautiful.  Nothing greater than hearing a baby's laughter....
They just turned 17 months old and are so much fun.  Can you believe that?

Connor, Anna, Justin

 After a long day of pictures, the babies were saying.  I think that is enough mom...

Justin, the babies love to climb in to everything.

At my house in Maple Valley.

Mom and her babies

Dad and his babies, Connor, Justin & Anna




Grandma & Anna

Family photo taken at Colleen's

Grandma & Auntie Nona

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I'm so glad you are finally settled, Linda! I hope you have many happy times in your new home. Have a wonderful time at the retreat. Wish I could be with you. I'll be thinking about you and knowing how much fun you are having. Safe travels.

  2. Thanks for the update and Yeah you are back in action! Loved those pics! They are just the cutest things ever and growing so fast. Only ten minutes away from your happy for you! Also, so happy you are doing another retreat! Have fun! Maybe someday I can join you all! HUGS!

  3. I'm so happy you are all settled in and ready for crafting. OMG the triplets are growing and it will be so nice for you to be so close.
    Have fun on your crafting retreat with Brenda and the gang :)

  4. Kinda funny we're going across country to see each other--haha! Can't wait to see you again, Linda! And no--I can't believe the triplets are 17 months old! Such adorable kiddos & wonderful pictures! The family picture at Colleen's is an absolute treasure! So glad you're starting to feel settled & I know you'll have mojo at the retreat--just hope I do!

  5. What a relief for you to be all settled, Lin! I'm so happy for you to be so close to those adorable babies, and so close to Col! Win/Win!! Enjoy your time away. I've missed your cards and looking forward to seeing what you make at the retreat! xx

  6. Welcome back! So glad the stressful Summer is over for you and that you have a craft room again!! Hope you all have a FABULOUS time at the retreat and can't wait to see all you create! And thanks for all the photos...just love seeing all those happy faces!!😊

  7. Those babies are so adorable and your pictures are great. How wonderful to be so close to both the babies and Colleen. Won't be long now!

  8. Love all of your sweet and fabulous photos, those babies are simply adorable! Congrats on your move, how fun to be so close to those sweet babies and your best crafting friend!!! Have a fun time on your retreat!!!

  9. Love all your fun and sweet photos. Those babies are sure growing. So glad you are moved, settled and most important, so close to these sweeties. Hope you have a wonderful time at the retreat with friends, I know you will. Hugs, JoAnn

  10. Oh look at those babies, hey are all so beautiful Lin! Your heart must be so full and you are so close to them now, and to Colleen?? Have a wonderful time at retreat and hoope you find more time to get back crafting again!

  11. These photos, both professional and unposed, are precious beyond words! Thank you for sharing, Lin! They just go from cute to cuter and those impish eyes tell the story of how exhausted you must be keeping up with them! It's a good exhaustion, though, that you wouldn't trade for the world! Looking forward to a fun retreat with you!! xxoo Hugs, Darnell

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