Saturday, September 22, 2018

Triplets Update

I have new pictures to share with everyone.  Oh my goodness, I am so blessed to have these sweet babies in my life, along with my other grandkids.
Four months old, smiling, cooing, almost laughing
About 13 lbs. probably more by now.


4 Generations - First visit with Great Grandpa
Brad, Avery, Me, Grandpa, Anna, Justin & Connor
My dad had just turned 98 and the triplets just turned 4 months.

Our trip to Lake Chelan in August.  Connor, Anna & Justin
Unfortunately, it was so smoky from forest fires that we only got to go out one day.  The triplets did not go out at all.

Connor or Justin?
Answers are below in red.  Don't cheat....

Connor or Justin?

Miss Anna or Empress as she is so often called.

Connor or Justin?

Connor or Justin?

I thought I would do a little guessing game.  I usually can tell them apart, but sometimes in pictures especially pictures by themselves it is very hard to tell.

Answers:  First set it is Justin and then Connor.
Second set it is Connor & Justin
How did you do?
So Connor's face is fuller and shaped a little different than Justin's, but as Justin has filled out it is getting harder to tell who is who.  Connor also has a little pointier ear according to mom and dad, but I don't usually go by that.  Mom & dad had them mixed up for about 3-4 hours after a photo shoot.  Mom told dad to dress Justin in blue, so he picked up a baby and dressed him.  It was later in the day that they realized that it was Connor and not Justin.  Lol...

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Awww ... look at how big they have gotten!! They are so beautiful Lin. What joy they bring! Lovely picture of the four generations. Wow!! 98 ... your dad is awesome! xx

  2. They are all adorable!!! I'm so happy for you all!!!

    I could not tell them apart at all! I have step sisters that are identical twins and I could always tell them apart (at least I thought I could) and wondered why others couldn't giggles. Unfortunately as a teenager one of them broke her front tooth so now everyone can always tell them apart : )

    Keep sharing! and, if you don't mind too much, give each one a hug for me!! : )

  3. Oh do they make me smile Lin...soooo adorable!! And I can only imagine how fun they are now at 4 months!! I totally guessed wrong, so I guess it's a good thing I'm not looking after them! Keep the pics coming...I just love seeing them grow! And I loved the picture with your cool!! Thanks for sharing Lin!! 😊♥️♥️♥️

  4. Amazing the 4 generations!

  5. LOL! I can't tell the boys apart, but Empress is a perfect name for Ann! They are really showing their personalities and look to be fun, happy babies! What a blessing!

  6. Thank you for this big scoop of miracle baby deliciousness, Lin! I had no idea who was who in the twin photos, but then I know how that goes, lol! They all look blessedly happy and healthy and I'm so happy for all of you! You can see their little personalities coming through in the photos. Or at least I think so ... tell me, is Justin the more serious, thoughtful one? It looks like he can look right into you, and Connor looks a lot more mischievous. ? If they are like Adam and Henry, they will seem to switch personalities every few months, so you're always kept guessing and mixing them up! And Anna! Oh my goodness, she is a heart-breaker! Empress is the PERFECT name for her, but in a good and happy way!! I'm delighted you were able to get the four generations photo taken with your Dad! Hugs, Darnell

  7. Oh my goodness--just look at those little darlings! So happy everyone is doing so well--blessings indeed! How wonderful to have the 4 generation picture, Linda!

  8. Oh my goodness Linda, they're so precious! I love the picture of you all with your dad. What a blessing that he can see those sweet little ones. I don't know how you tell the boys apart. Good golly, I'd be guessing every time! Sweet Anna is just the sweetest little girl and is so lucky to have two brothers to look after her. What a wonderful update!!

  9. Lin, what great pics of all of you, 4 generations! The babies are gorgeous! Look forward to your posts, keep them coming!!! Hugs!

  10. Lin, your pictures are awesome, especially with your Dad...priceless! Those triplets are growing fast and developing their own personalities already. Such blessings! Great seeing you at Mass last night. Have a great week!

  11. Oh Lin hey all look so healthy and I can't believe they are already 4 months old! Enjoy gramma!

  12. Oh my does this bring back memories. They are adorable, Linda.

  13. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos of the triplets and family. Love them. They are precious.


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