Monday, June 25, 2018

Merry Monday #296 with Nina

Nina wants us to make a rustic card.
So a few weeks ago, I had a good idea for my rustic card, but by the time I got around to making it, I completely forgot what that was.  On my.....Finally was able to come up with this one.

Sadly, this is our last challenge as Lesley has decided to close down the Merry Monday Challenge.
Hope to see you around blogland.  Thanks to all of my teammates.  It was so great working with you.

Stamps of Approval Hip Holiday, PTI Wood Grain Embossing Die, PTI's Holiday Plaid pattern paper.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Perfect rustic with the woodgrain panel and the stag diecut atop, Linda! Love the plaid paper too! So glad I got to know you at Merry Monday - I'll miss it! Happy crafting!!

  2. Well, you still came up with a great rustic card, even if it wasn't your first thought! I will miss being buddies with you on this challenge...we will have to challenge ourselves with our Christmas Cards!! Heart Hugs!

  3. Such a great team, and I have enjoyed seeing your cards each with. Love this card, love plaid, great job! Hugs, L:)

  4. Great card and great design. Love the plaid. I have enjoyed getting to know you and being on the MM design team with you.

  5. Had to laugh about your comment about having a really great idea for a rustic card and then forgetting what the idea was Lin!! Sounds a lot like me...I'll think of a great idea at 2:00AM and then when morning comes, don't have a clue what it was! But great comeback as I love the plaid, the colors, and your stag...definitely says rustic!! I will miss playing alongside you on the MM team my has been a blast! Good thing we know we'll still see each other around blogland though, right?!! Have a great week my friend and give those darling little babies a hug for me!! :0)

  6. LOL, I do that all the time! Wish I could remember those good ideas. Your next idea worked great. Love this and I'm so sorry to see Merry Monday shut down. :-(

  7. Love the plaid layers for your rustic card Linda and it was great being teammates!

  8. Forgetting sounds an awful lot like myself!😂😂😂 I've actually started putting reminders in my phone when an idea hits because I may never remember again! I love your card! That plaid is amazing! I've certainly enjoyed designing together for MM! Hugs!❤❤❤

  9. Lovely card Linda perfect for the challenge this week. It's been great having you as a team mate, best wishes for the future.

  10. Fabulous card Linda, I love the plaid and gold together and the woodgrain is a great detail. It has been wonderful creating with you on Merry Monday, Take care.


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