Saturday, April 28, 2018

Three little Miracles April 26th - Born 2:37, 2:37 & 2:38

the Mighty Multiples 
That is what they are know as on Instagram 

Connor Craig 3 lbs. 8 oz

Justin Alexander 3 lbs. 3 oz

Anna Winifred 3 lbs. 7 oz.
Mom gets to hold Justin for the first time.

Dad & mom's hands compared to Justin.

The wait is finally over Brad and Ramie welcomed in the 3 little miracles above on April 26th. These babies were very high risk triplets. So the boys are identical MoMo twins and a girl.   Their chance of conceiving these type of twins was 1 in 200,000.  And they did not use fertility drugs and my son had a reverse vasectomy a year ago, so I'm sure the odds are even greater.  You remember that he just remarried last June, this is the second marriage for both of them and he has 3 girls ages, 12, 15 & 17.  Ramie did not have any children.  
These pictures were sent to us about 3:10 so they aren't even an hour old.  We are so beyond excited to have these bundles of joy arrive and that they are all doing fantastic.  It's funny that Justin, the smallest of the three has been breathing on his own.  They take the breathing masks off every now and then to see how Connor and Anna are doing.  They are doing a little better after some medication.
I wish I had better pictures of Connor and Anna.  Justin seems to be the photogenic one in the group.  Lol....
There are more pictures posted on Facebook.  There is the sweetest video of Justin on there that shows dad helping him with his pacifier.  He is even getting the hang of sucking....It just melts my heart.
We are so beyond excited that God blessed us with the 3 little miracles.  The doctors and nurses are all so amazed at how well the pregnancy has gone and how well the babies are doing.  Praise God.....

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Beautiful pictures of the Mighty Multiples, Lin! Congratulations grandma ...they are precious!!

  2. Such a miracle, my friend! Prayers continue for strength and growth for these beautiful babies! It's amazing how small they are. They'll grow fast though! I'm so happy for you and your family!

  3. I so enjoyed this post! I can't imagine how all your lives are going to change! I will continue to pray for those Mighty Multiples! HUGS to all!

  4. They are beautiful Lin!! Mighty Multiples is a great name for them. It's wonderful to hear that Justin is breathing on his own. All three are adorable. I'm so happy for you and for Brad and Ramie. xx

  5. LOVE the name Mighty Multiples and each one is absolutely precious Lin!! They truly are little miracles! So happy for all of you and keep the pictures coming...they are just as sweet as can be!! 😊

  6. So amazing to see those three! Thank you for sharing them with us!

  7. Oh what wonderful news & pictures! So, so happy everyone is doing so well! My thoughts are with all of you during this exciting, but also stressful time, I'm sure. Hugs, Greta

  8. I was thrilled to see the photos and video on FB, Lin! Prayers of thanks are indeed in order and I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers for a while yet. I know how hard it is to have them in NICU, but these little mighty miracles are getting the best of care! I look forward to more photos!! Huge hugs, Darnell

  9. Congratulations on your tiny miracles. My son was a preemis back in '66 & only weighed 2# 6 oz. He is a great big guy now. Sure is scary when they are that tiny. Preemie care has come a long way since then. So happy for you & the happy parents!

  10. Oh Lin, they are precious blessings! And big! Didn't expect 3 over 3 lbs! That's truly a miracle x 3! So happy for you and the family. Love Darnell's tag: 'Mighty Miracles'. Love, love love the pics!

  11. Congratulations...what an incredible blessing and the photos are as sweet as can be. Sending hugs and prayers!

  12. Congratulations on your new blessings!

  13. Linda, congratulations on the triple blessings that have arrived! They are beautiful ♥ What blessings!

  14. Linda I am so happy for all of you that I could just bust!! What a blessing they are!! I will continue to hold you all close in prayer : )

    BIG (((Hugs)))

  15. Congratulations my friend, on your three little miracles. They are so beautiful!

  16. Congratulations Lin! How very very exiting for you and your family. They are a miracle from conception to delivery. All beautiful and their colour looks good. Keeping you and your family in my prayers a little longer. Enjoy! <3

  17. Congratulations. These are so sweet. Little miracles from God. May God bless you all.

  18. I heard about your miracles from other's blogs and had to come and offer my congratulations to you and your family, Lin. I am the proud grandmother of triplets who turned 20 last week, two girls and a boy, and I still remember the early days and the trips to the NICU although the girls came home fairly early. Prayers for these little ones that they continue to gain strength and weight so they too will be home shortly.


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