Monday, April 30, 2018

Meeting those precious babies for the first time!!!



Avery, Dad, Maddy & Kailey meet the babies. 

Justin is being admired by the whole family

Couldn't resist this sweet picture of Anna with her eyes open.

So excited yesterday as we got to meet our sweet bundles of joy.
The girls were so excited that once we got to the hospital they literally ran down the halls to get to the elevator.  They actually got to spend about an hour with them as they were being changed. 
Then Rhonda and I got to go in.  Shawn & Kieu and the Kelly.
Rami was actually discharged yesterday too.  Bittersweet for her and so great for Brad.
But they dropped the girls off at their mom's and then headed back up to the hospital for more bonding time.  

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE all your pictures!!

  2. So exciting & wonderful! Congrats again, Lin!

  3. How thrilling for everyone!! Those girls are clearly excited to be big sisters to the triplets and you're clearly excited to be their grandma! You will have to fight them for turns to be baby-sitters! Thank you for sharing the photos!! Hugs, Darnell

  4. I'm still loving looking at all these great photos...what a beautiful, beautiful family you have Lin! And I can't believe how much you and your sister look alike!! Thanks for sharing and keep posting more as they grow!! :0)

  5. How exciting to finally meet the for the first time, what a joy!

  6. Wonderful pictures Lin!! What a special day you all had together. The close-up of Anna is so sweet! xx

  7. Isn't God remarkable!?! Wonderful pictures I know your buttons are busting Linda!! I especially LOVE the picture where Rami is in the background as you look at Justin. she looks so happy and proud! : )

    Thank you for sharing!!

  8. I love the pictures you shared here and on fb ! God’s blessings times three! Pure joy!

  9. How wonderful. Congratulations to all the family. Thanks for sharing the photos. God bless those sweet little bundles of joy.

  10. So wonderful to see everyone! They all come from a beautiful lady - YOU!

  11. Honestly the most darling pictures ever! Lin, can't believe the joy in all those faces, especially gma's! Loved the one of beautiful Anna. Thanks for keeping us in the loop. Know you're bursting with pride!!!

  12. What a special time! These babies are so ADORABLE! I'm thankful they are doing well and that the whole family could go in and say hi! I believe that Anna is going to be as beautiful as her big sisters and her mommy!

  13. Congratulations, Lin! What wonderful blessings have come into your lives. Thank you for sharing these sweet photos of your family. So nice to see such sweet babies. Lucky grandma!! Very cool. Bev


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