Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Create Along With Us November 2017

A card for PTI's Create Along with Us

I used PTI's Sunflower Harvest and Classic Kraft cardstock.  Terracotta Tile and the rest of the inks are from CP.  PTI's Noted Scalloped A2 Die

I was inspired by this card by Heather.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. So pretty Linda! Love all those beautiful sunflowers! Surely would perk up anyone! Great take on the challenge!

  2. This is truly a wonderful CASE of Heather's card, Lin! You rocked all the details and colors!! Hugs, Darnell

  3. I pinned Heather's card, but haven't attempted to case it yet. Your version is really beautiful, Linda--great choice of flowers & colors!

  4. I loved Heather's card too and you did a FABULOUS job CASE-ing it Lin! Those sunflowers were the perfect choice and lovely colors too! Did you get all the new CP Spa inks? I ordered mine yesterday! :0)

  5. Heather has such a way with Kraft and you've accomplished the identical feel. Such a happy card! I mean really, who can see a sunflower and not smile.

  6. Wonderful take on Heather's card! I used that same post but the second card for my inspiration.

  7. Fabulous creation, Lin! I really like your choice of flower images and colors used to CASE Heather's pretty card.

  8. Gorgeous!! Love the bold florals!!


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