Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Paper Players #339 with Joanne & Just Us Girls #388 Trend Week - Altenew's 3rd Anniversary

A card for The Paper Players 
Its been a while since I played in this challenge.
Really like how this turned out.
Also sharing this on Atenew's 3rd Anniversary 
Altenew is know for its multi-step stamping so I am able to enter this at Jugs this week too.

Altenew's Beautiful Day with their Purple cubes, Fresh Inks, Mint and PTI's Fine Linen
Nuvo Crystal Crushed Grape Drops
Clear Wink of Stella on flower.
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Awesome job with the challenges. Good to see a fellow Washingtonian!

  2. This is GORGEOUS Lin! Love the colors, your layout, everything...lovely, lovely card my friend!! :0)

  3. Stunning! This is my absolute favorite flower set and you have done an amazing work of art with it. Thanks for playing with us at JUGS!

  4. Your card is so lovely Linda! What a great color scheme to be inspired by!

  5. I really love how your card turned out too Linda - your flower is beautiful! Thanks for playing along with my colour challenge over at The Paper Players this week!

  6. Very pretty...these colors lend themselves so well for gorgeous florals like this! Thanks for playing with our color challenge this week!

  7. Gorgeous! I love this stamp set too!


Thanks for stopping by. Your comments really make my day.