Monday, September 26, 2016

Merry Monday #215 with Kristie

Kristie is GD with us this week since she had already picked a challenge for the week.  We really miss you Kristie.  She wants us to use light & dark pink with gray or  silver  on our card.


PTI's Wet Paint Holiday & Fab Flakes embossed with Liquid Platinum and sponged with Distress Picked Raspberry & Spun Sugar.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Just love the silver embossing with the sponged pinks, Linda - looks amazing!!

  2. Lovely card Linda, all your snowflakes are so elegant.

  3. What a lovely and festive card Lin! Love your distress ink background with all those beautifully embossed snowflakes...SO pretty! Hope you have a wonderful week my friend!! :0)

  4. Love the theme & your choice of using snowflakes is wonderful, Linda! Beautiful card!

  5. Gorgeous card Linda. LOVE your beautiful embossed snowflakes and how the sponged pink fades out. Fantastic design. xx

  6. I love the way you've used these colors, Linda! Pretty embossed snowflakes against that pink background! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  7. Linda, this is SO pretty -- the embossed snowflakes are really gorgeous against the pink! Hope you're enjoying the weekend!

  8. Gorgeous! You totally rocked the challenge this week!


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