Saturday, September 24, 2016

CASology #216 Frame & Just Us Girls #362 Fallish Phote

It's been almost a week since I have been in my craft room to play so really happy to be here. 
I made this for card for two challenges:


So I take things pretty literately, and this is what I came up with.
PTI's Autlumn Pumpkins & Lawn Fawn Our Friendship Grows colored with Copics.
MFT Stitched Scallop Border Frame and some PPP sequins to add boo boos.  lol

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Well, looks like your mojo hadn't gone any where in your absence! This card is beautiful Linda! You captured the photo perfectly and I love the added green frame too! I have been coloring some today too, while watching some football! Take care and thanks for being in the gallery at JUGS!

  2. Nothing wrong with taking things literally Lin...that's how I roll too! Your pumpkins and sunflowers look fabulous together and so beautifully colored and shaded too! Lovely, lovely card my friend!! :0)

  3. Beautiful Fall images & card, Linda!

  4. I love this literal card, Linda! The sunflowers accent these pumpkins perfectly!

  5. Pumpkins and sunflowers say "Fall" to me, Lin! Wonderful job of coloring!

  6. Linda your pumpkins are coloured beautifully, such a sweet scene. Thank you so much for sharing with us at CASology this week!

  7. It's easy to see how you were inspired, Linda. Your card is beautifully colored and I'm glad you shared it with us at Just Us Girls.


Thanks for stopping by. Your comments really make my day.