Monday, April 4, 2016

Make It Monday #245 with Ashley - Color Isolation

My card for MIM - Click to watch Ashley's video

Unfortunately, I lost my mom about 6 years ago, but I do sell some of my cards and know I will have requests for  Mother's Day cards.

PTI's Bold Blossoms in Soft Stone and then watercolored with Zigg markers.


  1. Beautiful Linda! One of these days I'm going to get brave again and try my Zig pens...everyone always says how wonderful they are and I really struggle with them. I would much rather use my Aqua painter and ink, but since I invested the money in the Zigs, I probably really should figure out a way for them to work for me! But anyway, your card turned out just lovely!! :0)

  2. Such a pretty flower and I love the simple layout!

  3. WOW! you and Colleen are fast! : ) LOVE this flower and that purple!?! beautiful!! your shading is so perfect.

    Mother's Day is coming fast isn't it? Your Mom is going to LOVE this one!!


  4. Lin, this is really pretty, I do love that flower too!

  5. Real pretty flower. Love the matching almost invisible background flowers. Sorry about your Mom. Mines been gone 20 years but it always leaves an empty spot.

  6. This is lovely, Lin. Love the violet watercolor flower. Beautiful against the pale bg.

  7. A gorgeous card I love the shade of purple you have used, very pretty.

  8. Your card is beautiful Linda. Love the gorgeous colour of your flower.

  9. Good choice of stamps to use and your coloring is lovely.

  10. This is so pretty! Love your flower! Thank you for visiting my blog! :)

  11. This is so pretty! Love your flower! Thank you for visiting my blog! :)

  12. A perfect card for this week's MIM, the flower is so pretty!

  13. Its beautiful, Linda! Im sorry you lost your mom, but know that this will make another mom very happy! How nice that you can sell your cards.

  14. Beautifully done, Linda! Lost my mom many years ago--never totally get over loosing parents.

  15. Hi Lin,

    I pray that my comment did not cause you any pain. I'm sorry you lost your Mom. I lost mine in 1997 but I never stop missing her.

    So glad that you can continue to share your beautiful cards to some one else's Mom : )


  16. Beautiful Lin. I lost my mom three days after 911 but I still make Mother's Day cards and give them to my ex mother-in-law and also sell them on the side.

  17. Linda, I'm so sorry you lost your mom. I lost mine not even a year ago yet and the pain is still so real sometimes. Thanks for your prayers and your kindness left on my blog on the loss of my niece. I know healing will come in time. Your loving comment and the comments of others have given me reasons to smile. Bloggie friends really are the best!
    Your card is beautiful, as they always are. I'm wishing I had bought this floral set from PTI too. How many flower stamps does one girl really need? All of them, I guess... sending (hugs)

  18. This is a lovely Mother's Day card. Missing my Mom for 2 1/2 years now ;-(

  19. Beautiful watercolored blossom, Linda, on your Soft Stone background. These MIM challenges definitely take me out of my comfort zone, but I'm hooked. Happy card selling and sorry you, too, are missing your Mom. Mine left us almost 19 years ago, and I still miss her!


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