Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Freshly Made Sketches #226 A sketch by Rita

A card for FMS
I hate when you have the card all done and then stamp the sentiment crooked.


PTI's Painted Petals stamp and die in Sweet Blush, Lovely Lady, Lemon Tart, Terracotta Tile and Limeade Ice
Confetti background pattern paper & Ombre patter paper 


  1. This card is so sweet and delicate! I really love how the confetti paper seems to bubble up to your focus on your pretty flower : ) Great design!!


  2. What a sweet, sweet card Lin! I hear ya, about the crooked sentiment. Even when I think it looks straight, when I remove the stamp my sentiments are always crooked! I love all the sweet polka dots and confetti on the bottom of the card. They're like happy little spring time bubbles!

  3. The card looks great! I didn't even notice the sentiment until you said something. We are our own worst critic! I love your color choices and the confetti-style background! Thanks for playing along with us at Freshly Made Sketches!

  4. This is a very pretty card Lin and it isn't crooked it is at a deliberately jaunty angle:)

  5. Gorgeous! I love the pretty colours and florally image you've used. Thanks for joining us at FMS this week!


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