Thursday, March 10, 2016

Another Easter Card with Faux Mother of Pearl Technique.

Another Easter card with a new technique that Col and I discovered from Loll through Darnell.
It is using Liquid Pearls to create these beautiful Faux Mother of Pearl backgrounds.  We have making several in different colors.  The side panel, the grass and the eggs are made from these packgrounds.  Love it.  We didn't have any Liquid Pearls (what??) so we used Viva Pearl Pen and Airondack Metallics Acrylic Paint Pearl Dabber and they worked just fine.
I think I can enter this into
Look for the video by Loll showing how to make these gorgeous backgrounds.


  1. I've gotta check the video as I DO have lots of gorgeous Liquid Pearls that never get used! Cute Easter card!

  2. You have been busy! This faux pearl technique is lovely!! I do not have either of these products so I will have to go shopping : )

    Love the design of your sweet card!!

    Tell colleen Hi for me and you girls have a great day!!


  3. You are on a roll and I was way behind. Hope to try this today I between two of the grandkids baseball games and Mass. Adorable card,Linda!


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