Monday, August 17, 2015

Make It Monday #221 Masking Sentiments, AAA Cards #46, Maskerade, & Colour Me #84

One card for three challenges.  Love when I can combine 2 or 3 challenges.  Well, It looks like I missed the deadline for Colour Me.  Hate when that happens...
Make It Monday with Ashley


PTI's Vintage Linens in Pure Poppy, Berry Sorbet, New Leaf & Ripe Avocado
Sentiment from Harvest Berries
Pretty Pink Posh Sequins


  1. Beautiful images, masking, colours and sentiment Linda makes a FANTASTIC card and thanks so much for linking up and playing along at AAA Cards.
    Sarah x

  2. Gorgeous. Linda! Off to see the video no time this morning.

  3. What a beautiful card Linda! That flower stamped wonderfully around the sentiment. I'm Hoping to try this technique out tomorrow. I sympathize with you missing the color challenge. I do that often with challenges.

  4. This card is beautiful !
    Combining challenges is also wat I like to do,
    but I think it is difficult !
    You did it !
    Ineke x

  5. the flower "wraps" around the sentiment so well. Lovely take on MIM!

  6. Just so beautiful Linda...I love your sweet flower and all that sparkle! Thanks for joining us at Colour Me!

  7. Oh Linda, this is SO pretty! I love how your beautiful flower just nestles right into the sentiment...perfection!! And congrats on hitting on so many challenges, although I can sympathize with the missed one...been there, done that too many times! Have a great week! :0)

  8. Oh, it's too bad you missed the color challenge, Linda! You really did a wonderful job with all of these challenges! I love this pretty card!! Hugs, Darnell

  9. Great design - I really like how how masked it off to make the flowers follow th line of the sentiment - super creative! Thanks for sharing at AAA Cards! Jill

  10. Love the colors you've chosen and the masked sentiment is fantastic. Thanks for linking up and playing with us at AAA Cards.


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