Saturday, December 6, 2014

Hawaiian Vacation

Aloha, two Weeks in Paradise!

 So it is hard to get back in the swing of things when you spend 2 weeks in Paradise, specifically, Kona, HI.
The first week as you all know was spent with my BFF of 57 years, Colleen of One Smile Lifts a Spirit.  Her husband surprised us with a Mustang convertable.  That was so fun whipping down the highway with the top down. We sat by the pool, played on the beaches, she snorkled (I love the water but have a little, (BIG) fear of deep water).  We tried to take the Helicopter tour of the Volcano and Waterfalls, but both times it was cancelled due to weather.  Oh well, maybe next time!!!
Colleen left and I met up with my son who turned 40 on November 25th.  He is the one who decided that he wanted to spend his 40th with his mom and dad and family in Hawaii, so I have him to thank for this wonderful trip.
  We spent more time on the beaches, took a trip to Black Sand Beach to see the turtles, went on a dinner cruise and saw the manta rays.  Had sushi for his birthday dinner and then went to Kona Kozy's Comedy and Magic show, then a luau for Thanksgiving.  It certainly didn't seem like Thanksgiving and was very strange to see Christmas decorations all around.
Got home on Saturday, the 29th to snow falling.  We only had about 1-2 inches but it was so pretty and was cold enough for it to hang around for 3 or 4 days.
  So, this is basically the first time I have been on my blog in three weeks.  I have been getting ready for Christmas, decorating, wrapping gifts, finishing shopping and today we are going to get our tree.  Not sure when I will be able to be in my craft room again to stamp, cause next week I have a minor surgery on my hand for trigger finger.  I was able to make a few comments on the MIM, but hope to catch up soon.


  1. Great pictures, and fun trip, thanks for inviting me to relax and enjoy the sun in beautiful Kona, HI for a back to reality and stress...ha ha!!

  2. Oh Linda, What beautiful photos! I loved my time in HI ~ it is truly Paradise and hope to go back one day

  3. Ah, how hard it must be to have to leave Paradise! Your trip sounds like it was just that! I adore that photo of you and Colleen! I can just see you two imps whizzing around in your Mustang convertible!! Happy Holidays and good luck with your surgery to remove the trigger from your finger!! Hugs, Darnell

  4. What fantasic photos! I can believe that it was hard to leave this beautiful place!
    Wish you all the best for your surgery!

  5. What a wonderful son! Oh I am so glad you had fun and enjoyed yourself. I bet its hard and nice to come home. What a blessing your trip was. I am so happy for you and Colleen!
    What a beautiful family, thanks for sharing.

  6. Looks like a fabulous trip!! Marry Christmas and best of luck with your surgery!!
    Thanks for your sweet comment too!


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