Tuesday, October 28, 2014

CAS on Sunday #45 One Layer Wonder

CAS on Sunday
My card for  CAS on Sunday
The sentiment is PTI's Fancy Folk Art embossed with Liquid Platinum
PTI's Autumn Adornment in Simply Chartreuse, Raspberry Fizz and Sweet Blush 
It's been awhile since I have entered this challenge and since I have done a one-layer card.
Looking at it I think I need to add some clear Wink of Stella in the middle of the flowers.


  1. This may be "Autumn Adornment" but I think it works year round depending on your colors! And the pop of pinks makes it work any time! A great one layer card!

  2. Now I know what to do with this stamp set! Gorgeous Linda!

  3. This is so pretty! Thanks for joining us at CAS on Sunday!

  4. Linda, this is so lovely ... gorgeous colours and so deliciously delicate! Anita :)


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