Sunday, June 23, 2013

CAS-UAL Fridays #1-6 Over the Edge

My card for CAS-UAL Fridays which you can access Here
PTI's Butterfly Dreams in Terricotta Tile and Simply Chartreuse
Sentiment from Heart 2 Heart #9
Added bling to middle of each butterfly
Popped up the two negative butterfly dies and then set the positive inside.
Third butterfly is over the edge.  Cut my card down a little so this would still fit in an A2 envelope.


  1. Nice butterflies! I like using the negative and the positive!!

  2. I love that butterfly stamp set! Gorgeous CAS card!!! Thanks for playing along this week at CAS-ual Fridays!

  3. This is a lovely card Linda! I love those butterflies! Thanks for sharing it with us at CAS-ual Fridays!


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