Friday, May 3, 2013

CAS(E) this Sketch #26

My card for CAS(E) this Sketch this week which you can access Here
PTI's Sweet Life stamp set and die in Aqua Mist, Lemon Tart, & Simple Chartreuse
Spring has arrived in Seattle for another week.  It has been beautiful so have not had much crafting time the last couple of days.  I always miss it when I'm not in my craft room.


  1. This is really pretty! Great card.

  2. Oh this is so beautiful, love it.

  3. Gorgeous colour combination and use of classic images! Thank you for playing along with us at CAS(E) This Sketch this week!

  4. Gorgeous roses and I love the little heart border! Thanks for playing along with CAS(E) This Sketch this week!

  5. Beautiful card! I love the flowers and the colors you used. Thanks for playing along with us at CAS(E) this Sketch!


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